My video has been inspired by the music video 'Her morning elegance' by Oren Lavie. The music video is one of few that is a stop start motion video. It is filmed with a female in a bed and she is travelling around and meeting a male.
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The stop start motion is filmed by taking several images and editing them together to make a continuous clip. I may have taken inspiration from this music video however my music video is going be darker and set in abandoned buildings. The female will be dancing across the screen with different locations in the background.
Oren Lavie
Background - Isrealian singer song writer, playwright and theatre director.
Genre - folk rock
The video 'Her morning elegance' was filmed in 2009 - it was shot in 48 hours without a break
The visuals have a weak connection with the lyrics. 'a cello laying in its case' - there was then cello coming across the screen. Then there were her lyrics 'she fights for her life on the train'. We then denote the main character on the train using the sheets.
Genre characteristics
The genre characteristics of a indie pop song are generally darker hues and tones of the camera footage. Whereas in 'Her morning elegance' the lighting is bright and natural. The music video was filmed in a 48 hour period with no break according to wikipedia. We are able to denote that the music video doesn't fit genre characteristics of an indie pop band. The music video follows some genre conventions of the indie genre. The genre implies that the music video has one main protagonist that the camera follows. The music video may not follow the genre conventions strongly but the camera does stay on the main protagonist throughout the music video.
There isn't any intertextuality in the music video. The protagonist is staying in one place and the background stays the same. The protagonist is staying in the same area of the screen but the sheets are being used as props to edit the background.
Performance and narrative
The music video is narrative because we can denote that the protagonist is not miming the lyrics and she is moving slowly whilst the camera person is taking photos of her. The music video is telling us the story of a girl that is waking up from bed and we follow her on her day. Initially she is waking up and getting out of bed (not literally). Throughout the music video she has her eyes shut and the male character in the music video has his eyes open. This denotes that she is dreaming about all these things happening and dreaming about the man in her dreams. In the final close shot she is hugging the man and then he disappears and she isn't hugging anyone. Finally the girl looks directly at the camera and her eyes open; connoting that she has been asleep the whole time and that everything that has just happened was a dream.
We are also able to connote her being in a dream because throughout the music video she starts on the train and then eventually falls through the sky and ends up in the ocean. This obviously wouldn't happen in real life therefore we are able to denote the fact that she is dreaming. There is some performance when the male enters there was some performance with him miming the lyrics to the camera. This is the only performance - the female in the music video is not miming. she is asleep throughout therefore inferring that she is dreaming about the male and what is happening in the video. There is some dancing in the way that the female protagonist is dancing in the bed and we see her move upside down and round and round. The narrative is open linear. The female protagonist starts off in bed and she is sleeping still. We then see her waking up and going on a journey. It seems like the journey is normal and a closed linear journey; however then the bed covers turn blue and she is falling through the ocean and we can denote some fish that were represented through socks. This makes the video open linear. In the end we denote that the female protagonist is back in bed and asleep in the same place that she was in, in the beginning.
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